Saturday, September 24, 2005

A Documentary of Your Very Own

Have you ever thought to yourself, "There just aren't enough documentaries made about me?" Well, here's your chance!

Normally, this would just be one of those "Look at what those crazy people are trying to sell on eBay" kind of links, but I actually know these guys. And before you ask, yes, they are for real. I've worked with Brent (the one in the helmet) and Jim (the one in the ball cap) for over ten years now on various projects, and once again they've sucked me into one of their screwy filmmaking schemes but good! See, if you read the bit about how you get an "original song with lyrics" composed especially for the project if you bid enough money, that's me! I've been hired as their official songwriter should anyone be enthusiastic enough to bid enough money.

Honest, it all sounded so reasonable when they asked me to do it last week...

At any rate, if you've ever wanted a documentary made about yourself (or just fancy having a song written and performed by me), then by all means, BID! (I could use the extra cash!)


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