Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Weekend Round-Up

Spent Sunday afternoon co-hosting the monthly video meeting of the Doctor Who New York group with Jen, thereby fulfilling my geek requirements for the month. Had a lovely time drinking ginger beer and eating entirely too many brownies with everyone, watching two episodes of the new series as well as two episodes of everyone's favorite super-obscure Britcom, Spaced (brilliant shows, both of them!). Certainly it was the social event of the season (as noted on no less a web presence than the message board of Outpost Gallifrey itself) with the added benefit of finally forcing me to clean the apartment for the first time in...well, entirely too long at any rate.

Not only that, but I now have enough leftover brownies, cookies, beer, tortilla chips and salsa to last well into 2006. As God as my witness, I'll never go hungry again!

But speaking of the DWNY group, my friend Jeff Cioletti and I have been "volunteered" to edit our first foray into the world of the fanzine, my first editing work since the heady days co-editing the alternative newspaper The Pundit in Kirksville, Missouri back in the early Nineties. So, all you prospective writers out there in Whoville who have been sitting on that unpublished article about the symbolic use of color in the John Nathan-Turner era or a newly-finished short story in which the Fourth and Seventh Doctors team up to fight the Chumblies on Platform One, now's your chance! Send any inquiries or submissions to me at my special DWNY e-mail address: autobeatnik@dwny.org. Deadline is October 1.


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