Friday, September 21, 2007

A Dream of Pizza

Last night I dreamed that I was eating a Beau Jo’s Challenge “Mountain Pizza”.

A word of explanation – Beau Jo’s is a pizza place in Colorado that specializes in “Colorado-style” pizza. What is Colorado-style? Well, it’s your standard pizza but with extra crust on the edges. You eat to the edge of the crust and then dip the crusts in honey for dessert (pictures at

Their “challenge pizza” is huge, weighing about 12-14 pounds. And if you and a friend can eat one in an hour, you get the pizza for free plus $100 and a t-shirt.

I have never eaten there, but my friend Tom Riggs has and rhapsodized on the experience. (He and his friend failed in their attempt).

Anyhow, in my dream, I was about to attempt to eat one of these monstrosities while the waitress explained that mountain pies were soooo huge, that they actually contacted structural engineers from NASA to design the crust so that it didn’t collapse in on itself. In my dream, the crust had support beams made out of crusty breadsticks that ran across the bottom of the pizza like spokes on a wheel.

Not much more to the dream, unfortunately. Perhaps it's a sign that I should be eating more pizza?

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