Sunday, November 27, 2005

Just Checking In...

Still have a million things going at once - my new short film, "Dale Crawford: Musician Detective" is well underway: we've shot about half of it with two more days of filming left to go, the DWNY fanzine that I'm co-editing is in its final proofing stages, postproduction is continuing on my pal Jim Tudor's sci-fi film "Zero-Ones" (which I'm editing and co-producing), and I've still got all my Christmas shopping to do!

Yes, it's probably going to continue to be quiet around here at least until the New Year. So, in the meantime, perhaps you'll want to check out one of the fine sites you find linked at the right. Or maybe you'd be interested in visiting my own new website showcasing all my best directorial work (and a couple early films I made that I probably shouldn't show anyone). It's still under construction, but a good 90% of it is up and running - the rest will go up after Christmas when I've tracked down some more archival recordings and bothered to write my own bio.

So, enjoy the holiday season and I'll be back with more exciting news soon (I hope!).