Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Because YOU demanded it!

A few months ago, re-reading some of my posts, I came to a bit of an epiphany:

My life is kinda dull.

Disheartened, I kind of slacked off on the blogging for a while. After all, who wants to read about another night at home watching TV?

Well, apparently YOU DO! After a fantastic trip home visiting my friends and family back in Missouri last week, I had several personal requests to continue blogging (and you know who you are!). So...I am easing myself back into the blogosphere.

Appropriately enough, my first blog is about staying at home and watching TV. But not just any TV -- the very definition of Must-See TV!

Yes, Sci-Fi Friday is back! The new Doctor Who and the new Battlestar Galactica, together again for the first time! I've seen the Dr. Who episode already, and rest assured it is a good one -- featuring werewolves, kung fu monks, and Queen Victoria too! Battlestar we'll have to see about; those of you who saw last season know that they threw a pretty big curve ball in the finale which polarized fans. Was it a jaw-droppingly gutsy gamble that paid off or crappiest plot twist ever? Well, I liked it just fine but can see how it could all go horribly wrong in the new season if not handled just right. Will the brilliance of the first two seasons continue or has it jumped the shark? Either way, you know where Jen and I are going to be at 8:00 p.m. EST (7:00 Central).

Oh, and since I'm spouting off on Sci-Fi Original Series, I should mention that both Jen and I had fun with Eureka which just had its big first season finale. It wasn't brilliant, but it had its moments. And gosh darn it, it was a likeable show. Even when the plot wasn't the greatest, I found myself rooting for it -- like your favorite baseball team that never *quite* makes the playoffs. Here's hoping Season Two will see them hit one out of the park.

Oh, and if you haven't seen any of the shows, there are free webisodes on demand for all three:
Eureka, Battlestar Galactica, and Doctor Who. Enjoy!