Saturday, May 28, 2005

Newly Shorn

Made my latest trip to the barber shop on Thursday, but my regular barber was working on someone else, so I got turned over to the new guy. Had I only known! Apparently, when I asked for "just a trim" he must have heard "cut it down to within an inch of its life!" So now, instead of my normal unruly mop-top, I'm going around looking like an army recruit. My co-workers are saying that I'm actually looking respectable, fer cryin' out loud! Jen says it makes me look like Andy Hardy, which I suppose isn't that bad (it's certainly better than looking like Judge Hardy or Betsy Booth), but it'll probably be a couple weeks before I'll be able to look in the mirror and be able to recognize me -- just in time for my mother's upcoming visit so she can issue her usual complaint that I could really use a haircut...


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